Myotopography in Tibial Lengthening
Hits: 207COPYRIGHT 2018 © BY THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY TECHNICAL NOTE Myotopography in Tibial Lengthening Konstantin Igorevich Novikov, PhD; Oleg Vladimirovich Klimov,...
Hits: 207COPYRIGHT 2018 © BY THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY TECHNICAL NOTE Myotopography in Tibial Lengthening Konstantin Igorevich Novikov, PhD; Oleg Vladimirovich Klimov,...
Hits: 196О.V. Klimov, А.М. Aranovich Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kurgan, Russia Objective To show that some achondroplasia cases of surgical...
Hits: 270© Коростелев М.Ю., Шихалева Н.Г., Климов О.В. М.Ю. Коростелев, Н.Г. Шихалева, О.В. Климов Илизарова, Курган, Российская Федерация Введение Отслоение или резкое грубое длительное смещение...
Hits: 340© Diachkova G.V., Aranovich A.M., Diachkov K.A., Klimov O.V., Novikov K.I., Sutyagin I.V. Orthopaedic, psychological, social and philosophical aspects of achondroplasia patients treated with...